There are three secret keys to successful marketing and selling.

The three secret keys are the same whether you are selling online or selling “offline” (in the real world).

Secret Key Number One

Successful marketing in today’s world starts with a simple concept of “multi–touch marketing.”

Although it is frequently overlooked, the very most basic element to increasing sales is to increase the number of interactions with the prospect.

And the reason that this makes sense is is that people like to buy from people they know, like, and trust. Take just a moment, and check inside yourself, and ask yourself: is this true? Is it true that people like to buy from people they know, like, and trust?

If you agree that this is so, then it stands to reason that if you wish to sell something to somebody that a good place to start would be to enable them to begin to know you. In other words, don’t be a stranger.

How to not be a stranger?

Easy. Just arrange it so that the prospect has a number of interactions with you; not just one single contact. For example, if the guy goes to your website, and then leaves, that was one contact.

He doesn’t know you. And if he doesn’t know you, why would he like you? And if he doesn’t know you and like you, why would he trust you?

So if you just send the guy one letter … if you just send a guy one e-mail… if the guy found you once on Google … you really expect to sell him anything … when he doesn’t know you, or have any reason to like you, or have any reason to trust you?

Not really.

So where is the starting point?

How do you go from a single contact with the guy doesn’t know you… to a point down the road where the guy knows you, like you, and trusts you?

Easy.The simplest possible approach is simply to arrange to create multiple interactions with the prospect. This is the entire premise and basis of “Multi-Touch Marketing” and if you simply focus on the most basic element, then you will see that the most basic element to increasing sales is to increase the number of interactions with the prospect.

  • Does this mean that you chase the prospect?
  • Does this mean that you endlessly call and annoy the prospect?
  • Does this mean that you spend endless time chasing and chatting?

Not at all. In the next article, we will take a look at Secret Key Number Two, which spells out the best method that will enable you to attain Multi-Touch Marketing, that will enable you to increase the number of interactions with the prospect.

Stay tuned.


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