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Marketing Moment
Issue 022 November 2014 // Voltos Marketing Systems
Welcome to the latest issue of the Marketing Minute, your monthly newsletter dedicated to business growth and development. In this issue:

?  How to Effectively Use Video SEO to Rank Videos Highly
?  How to Optimize your Blog Posts

How to Effectively Use Video SEO to Rank Videos Highly


Since it’s a mind-boggling fact that YouTube has more than 100 hours of video are uploaded to its platform every minute, it’s incumbent upon us if we don’t want our video marketing to be a complete waste of time to learn how to get our videos ranked highly.

Never fear; this doesn’t mean you have to learn the dark arts of black hat marketing, but rather that you do a few simple tactics that will give your videos a good chance at standing head and shoulders above your competition in the search results.

Let’s look at a few things you need to do to make this happen.

7 Tips for ranking your videos higher

Make terrific videos – This should go without saying, but content that moves, informs and calls to action is content that will not only rank better, but will bring you more of whatever you desire. Aim for around 5 minutes or so for your videos.

Use a primary keyword – Determining and employing your primary keyword in the title, filename, description and tags will go a long way toward helping YouTube and Google know where and what tor rank your video for.

Optimize your titles, filename, description and tags – Not only your keyword, but other descriptive and action words to drive your viewers to watch and share your videos. Rename your video filename to the primary keyword, and make your description 350-500 words of good content, not merely a list of keywords.

Get social signals – The number of times your video is shared, commented upon, favorited, Channel subscribes and liked have a definite impact on its ranking. Attempt to get these naturally by asking for them, but if push comes to shove you may have to generate some.

Get views, social bookmarks – Again, the best way to get these is by having your video become popular and be shared virally, but in case that doesn’t happen, you may have to buy views and social bookmarks. One caution here: YouTube has become very good at ferreting out these, so be sure to go with a provider that doesn’t use bots, and knows a thing or two about how to get this done. Be smart and don’t push too many too fast.

Get embeds – Embedding your videos into your blog posts and other web properties like Facebook, Tumblr, and others will go a long way toward accomplishing several social promotion goals. Don’t miss this one!

Build backlinks – Using traditional methods of backlinks will work well for YouTube videos as well. This may be the last thing you need to do for videos that need a bit more juice, and get them ranking high on the first page for you.

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How to Optimize your Blog Posts


Has this ever happened to you? You write what you feel is some of your best content, and yet you have a hard time finding it in the search results, and nobody is reading or coming around.

Frustrating, right? And yet, the barenaked truth is that it’s probably our own fault most of the time.

We are preached at to write for readers, and yet, we still need it to be found, so there are two forces at work here. We need to learn how to write compellingly for our audience while optimizing for search at the same time. Let’s look at how that can happen.

How to optimize your blog posts for search as well as your audience

  • Keyword optimized URL – This is key for allowing the search engines to properly place your content. Include your primary keyword strategically here.
  • Appealing headlines – Two tasks here: make your headlines enticing to readers and get them to want to read more, while at the same time including your primary keyword to let the search engines know what to do with it too.
  • Use subheads – Using sub-headlines in your content breaks it up for those of us who tend to skim content, (which is most everyone these days!) and makes it easier to read. It also gives you the opportunity to use keywords in H2, H3, and H4 headlines as well.
  • Shorter paragraphs – Along the same lines, people detest long, arid stretches of content, and will tend to skip it. Construct your content is easy to consume chunks, and you’ll find more of it will get read.
  • Link to relevant content – Linking internally to other relevant content on your site is great for your on-page SEO, as well as for your reader. Also, be sure to link out to authority sites where appropriate.
  • Enable social sharing – Making it possible for people to share your content isn’t just a good idea any more, it’s necessary. Encourage and enable social sharing whenever possible.
  • Use calls to action – Needless to say, if this post is designed to create an action from your readers, then you need to create a clear, concise call to action that leaves no doubt what the next step is for them.
  • Responsive design for mobile – Since more than half of all web traffic now starts on a mobile device, you’d be unwise not to make sure your content is available to mobile users, and one of the best ways to do that is by making a responsive mobile site that can be accessed from any device.

Writing a great blog post is a terrific beginning, but go the extra mile and optimize for SEO while you’re at it. You’ll be rewarded with loads more exposure and readers.

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Food for Thought:

“I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.”

—Donald Trump

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