Your Business Is Getting a Christmas Present!
[note: this offer, from 2014, has expired]
Our company has grown very nicely this year. And we’d like to send a great big “Thank You!” to everyone who helped us along the way — our clients, the people who inquired about our services, and even the folks who simply gave us encouragement.
As the helmsman of your company, have you let yourself and your people down with lack-luster growth this year? If so, read every word on this page, because we intend to help you get the growth you want in the New Year.
Because we’ve got a business-building Christmas Gift for everyone who claims it in time! (Value $1000)
Get Yourself on the First Page of Google
Here’s how it works —
- You donate $19 to Toys for Tots before December 25, 2014 (http://toysfortots.org)
, - The U.S. Marines will make sure your gift finds a small child who really needs a toy this Christmas.
. - And Voltos (that’s us) will get your business listed on the front page of Google for one keyword term. (Value $1000)
If you haven’t got around to doing the work you know you need to for your business to be found on Google, you don’t need to feel embarrassed. We can help, because we know you love your business. And now is the time to start, because Google already controls over 80% of the people who are searching to find you, and Google also controls whether your new customers will come to YOUR website … or go to your competition.
So imagine feeling a deep sign of relief. And imagine for a moment the pride you’ll feel when you do a search and see your business — at last! — on the first page of Google!
Guarantee — Double Your Money Refund if We Fail
I am so certain of success that if we fail to place you on the first page of Google, then I will personally refund DOUBLE that Toys For Tots donation that you made. And that means …

I Guarantee Your Success
If you act quickly, this is a deal where you simply cannot lose. Snap up our offer, and see your business on the first page of Google.
You can safely set aside any fear or worry. Because you CANNOT lose. I am totally guaranteeing success!
Everybody Wins
The little children have a better Christmas. Those tough U.S. Marines win yet another campaign. You get on the first page of Google. And Voltos (that’s us) gets to give you a gift worth $1000 as a great big “Thank You!” for your support!
And face it. If you grab this offer quickly, won’t it feel great to get a business service worth $1000 … for a $19 donation to charity?
And your competition who fail to get in … they’ll be scratching their heads in puzzlement, wondering how you did it.
But Your Business Has to Qualify
It’s a LOT of work for us. So we only want to do this work where it’s going to really do a LOT of good. So we’re not going to offer it to non-businesses, or businesses which aren’t actually operating yet, or businesses who aren’t already actively committed to getting the word out. So here are the requirements if you want this $1000-Value Gift —
- You must be the owner of your business or general manager with total authority, not an agent or an MLM networker or an employee.
. - Your business must have a website that you completely own and control. (We’ve got to have somewhere to send those folks who will be finding you on Google.)
. - Your business must be active and functional, so as a bottom-end minimum you need to be already bringing in $50,000 a year.
. - Your business must be committed to actively bringing in new business, so you need to be already investing at least $500 a month on advertising or lead-generation.
We don’t mean to be picky, and there are a lot of good people whose business might not qualify yet, but the above minimums simply spell out what a real and active and successful business looks like, and because we have limited resources to provide this $1000-Value, and since that’s exactly who we can help the most, then we simply have to focus on businesses who qualify.
Time Limit – Offer Expires December 25

Your Deadline? Act BEFORE Your Family Unwraps Presents on Christmas Day!
Because your donation will ONLY be useful if you get it to Toys for Tots before December 25th, that’s your deadline if you want to pick up a $1000 value “Get Found On Google” keyword ranking for your business.
And obviously we need to know about it in timely fashion. This is not a forever offer!
You must notify us by email with verifiable details about your donation (do a screenshot or save their Thank-You webpage to send us). We need to know before New Years Day.
Any donation that’s not made before December 25 doesn’t qualify.
Any notification we don’t receive before New Years Day doesn’t qualify.
So, don’t miss out on $1000 worth of Search Engine Optimization to get your business found on Google, and reach for your business-growth dreams in this coming New Year.
Get that donation in to Toys for Tots, and email us the proof (and your full contact details) right away!
Only 25 Packages Given Away
Obviously, we cannot afford to give away an infinite number of these packages, where we’re making no charge at all, just requiring your token donation to Toys For Tots.
So we’ve capped the limit at 25 packages to be given away. First come, first served. That’s the only fair way.
And so the first 25 emails we receive with proof of donation and full contact details will get placed on the first page of Google. Date and time shown on email will determine who’s first.
How to Claim your Prize
- Assuming your business qualifies, go to Toys for Tots website (http://toysfortots.org) and donate $19 before December 25, 2014.
. - Make a screenshot of their “Thank You” page or save the webpage, and send the proof of donation to us by email: AutomaticSales@Voltos.com
. - Give us ALL your contact information so we can get the info needed to get you on the first page of Google
. - (Meanwhile the Marines will get the toy to a child, and we will contact you to get you on the first page of Google.)
. - Start off your New Year with a new way to get more clients!

I Guarantee to Place Your Business on the First Page of Google
Remember our Guarantee
Remember, I personally guarantee we’ll get you on the first page of Google, and will personally refund to you twice the $19 donation you made to Toys For Tots if we fail to place you on the first page of Google.
So here’s to a Happy New Year to You and Your Business!