Email and Text Marketing

Email Marketing has been with us for quite a while now.

And sometimes it’s easy to forget that when you WANT email from a particular person or company, you look forward to reading it.

So the key to success for you as a business owner is to provide the kind of email that your audience WANTS to read. Because when you’ve built up a relationship with your followers over time, an email newsletter with content they enjoy is a powerful way to stay in touch.

You stay in their mind, and as your reminders over time build up, as they begin to see this advantage and that advantage offered by your company, they move closer and closer to buying, and then that day comes and you are the natural one they will choose. Because with your email newsletters they have come to know you, to like you, and to trust you.

People Like To Do Business With Companies They Know, Like, and Trust

So you might as well be that company that they like!

Now in a similar fashion, communicating with your followers and prospects via text can build up trust and lead to sales, but text communications have certain advantages and strengths of their own.

Open Rates for Text Messages Approach 100%!

Here’s why …

  1. A text message makes a noise, unlike normal email.
  2. And people think of incoming text messages as more important, and they tend to peek and see what it is right away.
  3. And since a text message doesn’t have a subject, and isn’t sitting in a hundred other messages like an email … just by looking to see what it is … they’ve already read it!

For these reasons, text marketing’s “open rates” are close to 100% So  your texts get priority attention.

Text Marketing Works Best When …

  • You only send text messages now and then.
  • It’s great for time-sensitive things like events, sales, and limited-time special offers.
  • Combining with other channels (like email and messages in Messenger) has a multiplying effect, and makes the message stronger
  • Every person tends to have their preferences for media. Some folks like email best, others like text. By sending all, it’s real easy to arrive on their favorite media!
  • Plus, it’s just easier for your follow to notice and remember your offer when it arrives at different times and via different channels

Marketing Tip —

Using (a) the power of the super-targeted outreach available on Facebook, combined with (b) the higher enlistment attained by Messenger Marketing, and then (c) tripling the effectiveness of your follow-up actions using messages AND email AND text marketing … this is simply the most powerful way to get the most new signups, to get the fastest growth, and to receive the very best return possible on your marketing investment. And that’s the whole point to growing powerfully, right?

Because that’s where Automatic Selling Systems comes in.

You want to grow your business?

You’re the expert in delivering your services.
We’re the experts in marketing them.
Our business is marketing YOUR business.

Let’s begin a conversation. You will be delighted with what you are about to discover …

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