August 9, 2014, Medford Oregon — Voltos Marketing Engineers announces availability of new “Customer Review” Professional Video Commercials, at affordable pricing. In recent years, one’s reputation in Internet Time could make or break a company almost overnight.

video marketing reputation marketing growthGoogle has responded to the customer trend toward using online reviews as a primary buying method. In fact, according to studies by Bright and by Nielson, 70% to 72% of people surveyed reported that they trusted online reviews as much as recommendation from family or friends, even more than editorial content in newspapers.

Accordingly, Google has adapted to the trend, and now publishes star ratings on Google Plus pages, and in search results displays star ratings of its own, those from Yelp, and other online third-party review sites. These star ratings affect which site is chosen by searchers, and in fact Google now includes star ratings as one of the factors for how well (or poorly) they will display your site in search results. And that’s not all …

Video Marketing

Online video continues to grow, with several sources stating that video now accounts for more bandwidth than Facebook. Television has tended to condition us from an early age, and the multi-sensory aspect of video is generally acknowledged as more persuasive than words on a webpage, or spoken words along, or static images. Because of the power of video, and the conditioned response to watch the moving image, it is perhaps a natural consequence that video presentations are generally the most powerful presentation you can make.

As part of a larger interest-group of advanced marketing companies nationwide, Voltos Marketing Engineers has created a natural combination of Reputation and Video Marketing which is proving very powerful. (See a sample?

For a limited time we have created a beta program, enabling small businesses to obtain one of these fully professional commercial videos with production costs waived, and many small businesses will easily qualify for the offer, while the beta project remains open.

Professional Video

Videos are filmed in a professional studio with skillful spokespeople, and feature one of the five-star reviews or testimonials that the company has received. Lighting, camerawork, editing, titling, sound, and back-end search-engine optimization are just part of the package, as is syndication to major video and social sites. In most cases, these commercial videos can also be embedded in the business website.

Contact us to inquire. Qualifying businesses can receive a detailed explanation and question-answer session.

Voltos Industries / Automatic Selling Systems
Voltos Plaza
1209 Siskiyou Boulevard
Medford, OR 97504 USA
(541) 201-2003

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