There are three secret keys to successful sales and marketing. The first secret key is that the most basic element to increasing sales is to increase the number of interactions with the prospect.

Secret Key Number Two

There is not enough time in the day to chat endlessly with prospects or to chase them. After all, you have a business to run. This takes time. And your existing clients deserve your very best attention, right?

So how do you increase the number of interactions with new prospects, without wasting a lot of time, and without abandoning your existing clients, and without neglecting the running of your business?

The answer:

Prospect interactions must become automated.

Automatic Selling Systems become essential.

Nothing else can do the job.

The largest companies in the world have been using automated selling methods for decades. And does this show in their annual revenues? You bet!

Can you do this too?

Finally, yes!

Because we’ve got some good news for you, your business, and your peace of mind.

The team here at Voltos Automatic Selling Systems are marketers and web guys, and we’ve been doing real-world marketing and online-selling for decades, starting from before there was such a thing as an Apple computer or the Internet. And we have continued marketing and selling online and off-line through all the changes that the Internet has brought, right up to the most advanced selling methods available today for effectively reaching today’s online-oriented prospect.

We were a small band of marketers who simply wanted to take the pain and frustration out of the selling experience, and the automatic selling systems approach has gradually become the “fresh breath of air” solution for over-taxed business owners across the nation.

Because automatic selling systems provide exactly what is needed: a way to automate the process of increasing the number of interactions with the prospect.

Further, it’s possible to do this in a way which is aligned with the interests of the prospect, and in a way which furthers the education of the prospect, and in a way which in ever-increasing detail paints an attractive picture of your offering in the mind of the prospect, and which paints an likable picture of you!

In short, what we are doing with automation today is transforming a single brief contact from a prospect into an ongoing conversation. And in this conversation, the prospect comes to know you. Now do realize that, if it’s your actions, even though they are automated, and if they are the right kind of actions, then prospects will come to know you, and to like you, and to trust you.

What makes people want to buy?

And if they know you, and if they like you, and if you present yourself and your offerings in a trust-worthy way, then the prospect will also begin to trust you.

People like to buy from people that they know, like, and trust.

By engaging with the one-visit prospect, and transforming that one contact into an ongoing conversation, you are fulfilling the single most basic way to increase sales, which is simply to increase the number of interactions with the prospect.

And in doing this, you are engaging in Multi-Touch Marketing, and your sales will increase.

How to automate the sales process?

There are many ways to create Automatic Sales Systems, which automate the selling process, and increase the number of interactions with the prospect.

The simplest possible description of this process — which could be specifically engineered with a thousand variations — is simply this:

  • Create a single contact with the prospect
  • Engage that prospect, so that he gives you the information and permission to continue to communicate. That continued communication could be email, phone calls, sending a letter, a report, a book. That continued communication could be a webinar, a meeting, a presentation. The point is that you need contact information, and permission.
  • Using the contact information, and the permission, communicate with the prospect, over and over and over. Is it a bunch of hard-selling? Nope. Is it ongoing? Yes?

How can this be done?

Ah! That’s the trick, isn’t it?

So let’s think further … Although it’s possible for you to arrange meeting after meeting, a better way is to increase the number of emails, text messages, postcards, letters, special reports, videos, and webinars. Because all of these can be automated.

Further, even time-intensive actions can be made easier using automation: A meeting can be by phone instead of face-to-face, sharing slides or data can be done on a computer screen, or a seminar can be given to provide contact with a hundred people at once.

But remember: the entire basket of activities needs to be harmoniously integrated, in a flowing manner, every part operating at the right time. Automated marketing is like a fine-tuned machine. The system needs to be engineered, designed, thought-out.

Isn’t this a LOT of work?

It can be. The learning curve to master all these separate things is steep and it changes frequently. That’s why, in the real world, most business owners are simply too busy running their businesses to ever learn how to market their business!

A solution. Consider this …

Our company has been designed from the ground up to engineer Automatic Selling Systems for your business. We provide an outsourced, fully-managed service, to take the very best methods, and the most appropriate automated selling solutions for your situation, and to craft an integrated Automatic Selling System to perfectly fit your company and your customers.

That’s what we can do for you.

Your next step?

Let’s talk, shall we?

Let’s compare notes, and if we discover we have a fit, then let us craft a solution for you and your company.

Then at last, you will have a complete, up-to-date marketing department — all outsourced, and fully managed — and at last you can access the same marketing power as is enjoyed by the largest companies in the world.


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