These days it can be very frustrating when you must get a busy person on the phone.

When you get their voicemail, what to say to get a callback?

In a trial conducted for the sales and marketing consultancy Corporate Visions, researchers monitored two subtly different types of voicemail messages left, and one strategy increased callbacks by 10 percent. This is something you can use.

Details: These test messages were made on behalf of a bank. The message left on voicemail for group A began like this: “You need to know that 40 percent of companies that take a bank loan still fail.”

The message for group B began by focusing on the benefits of the credit line.

The results?

The message that started with the “painful” fact got ten percent more call-backs!

Why does this work?

According to Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman, humans feel the pain of loss twice as much as they’re pleased by gain, Loss aversion plays a major role in the decisions we make, particularly anything that involves a change from the status quo.
This fact is something you can use in getting more callbacks.
On a voicemail message (or in a live call) or in an email headline, if you quickly introduce an insight that they weren’t thinking about, and one which is a bit alarming, you should find them a bit more responsive to your call.

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