It’s the silliest thing!

You’re running your business, and every now and then someone gives  your business a plug when talking with a friend. These word-of-mouth referrals are the very best thing that could happen, because you’ve been introduced to someone new from a person they know and trust.

When a new prospect calls you, or walks in the door, as a word-of-mouth referral, your odds of that person buying your products and services is much higher than people coming from your paid advertising or other outreach methods.

But there’s a secret danger which can trash half of these people before they ever come in or call. And when that happens, you lose. Because you never even know you lost a sale. You never even see that new prospect.

Here’s what happens (and how to fix it) …

Your Facebook Business Page

Suppose someone has heard about you, and they want to check you out. There are 3 places they will check —

  1. Your website, if they know where it is
  2. Google, meaning they’re probably looking up your website, or your Facebook Business Page
  3. Your Facebook Business Page

Almost everyone who has a website knows it needs to be attractive, professional, and shows up well on a cellphone.

But the Facebook business page?

The ‘New Business Killer’

A huge number of Facebook business pages are … Blah.

Now it’s not fair, but what happens is this —

If your Facebook Business Page looks Blah …
… they think your whole business is Blah.


Their urge to call you just died.

And the fact is, at least half the people who hear about you look you up, and when your business page is blah, you just lost the  most valuable new prospect you ever get.

(Now, in actual fact, if you have any paid advertising, or any time-consuming outreach like going to Chamber meetings, you lose half of those as well, so a Blah business page is costly, costly, costly! Not because you always get a ton of new business from your business page, but because the Blah business page trashes your paid advertising too!)

It’s Kind of Like Dating

When you were in high school or college, you probably figured out that taking a bath and being clean and neat, by itself, won’t get you any dates. What it takes is at least a little hustle, and some sort of outreach, like asking someone to go out.

So, yes it takes outreach.

But if you are hustling and reaching out — but you didn’t bother to take a bath — then nearly all of your hustle will be wasted. You will be shot down time and time again.

So in the same way, an active and engaging Facebook business page is not (by itself) a super-strong outreach … but a Blah business page is a new-business killer. So to speak, it stinks. And it trashes your new business leads that are coming from other places, like paid advertising, and those oh-so-valuable word-of-mouth referrals!

The Simple Solution?

If you’re frustrated by the struggle to get new business, then of course the main thing you need to do is increase your outreach. (If you don’t know how to do this, talk to us and most likely we can point you in the right direction.)

But if you have a good business, and you realize that you’re losing word-of-mouth referrals and paid-advertising leads because you have a sleepy business page, then it’s pretty easy to fix.

Just change your Facebook business page from looking Blah to look “active and engaging.”

The number one way to do that?

Regular posting. Daily if possible, but at least regular. A few a month is better than none!

The Easy Path to Regular Business Page Posting …

First, some of your posts should be about you and your business.

If you are having any specials or events, you can at least post those.

And the other thing — IMPORTANT — is to post things that ARE NOT selling, selling, selling.

Why? Because yes it’s business, but all commerce is between people, and you buy from people you like. And the people you like are not forever selling, selling, selling. They act like people. That’s why you like them.

And that means you want to make some posts which are —

  • simply interesting,
  • or which connect with people,
  • and which simply spread good will.

(If you want to know about the five kinds of posts which generate the most good will (and the most sales), see our article “The 5 Kinds of Social Media Posts that Actually Attract New Business” by clicking HERE.)

And would you like a simple solution that will help, quick, free, and easy? You do? Well, that’s great, because …

Free Social Media Posts for Any Business

Here’s the easy-peasy way to improve your business page starting today. Use our free Holiday Graphics posts.

Especially if you’re short of time, or you just want a convenient way to start strengthening your business page, go download our completely free Holiday Graphic posts, and start to increase good-will by simply saying Happy Holiday.

(There are are always several major and minor holidays every month, and we can provide you pre-made posts with nice graphics at no cost at all, every month. And this works great for any kind of business!)

This is an EASY step to move your business page up from being sleepy or Blah, and this helps you capture more of your word-of-mouth referrals, and more actual new business from any paid advertising. Costs nothing, quick and easy.

If you have questions about how to get more business, or about how to strengthen social media in general, call us.

And for free social media posts you can get every month to make professional Facebook posts in less than 5 minutes, for immediately download via Facebook Messenger, go here to claim your free Holiday Graphics and get started

All the best from Voltos! Hope you find them useful!




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